What is RPET?

Find out the bags make from RPET fabric here by click: rPET Bags

PET plastic, found in your daily beverage bottles, is one of the most recycled plastics today. Despite its controversial reputation, not only is PET a versatile and durable plastic, but recycled PET (rPET) has evidently resulted in a much lower environmental impact than its virgin counterpart. That is owing to the fact that rPET reduces oil usage and greenhouse gas emissions associated with virgin plastic production.

What is rPET?

rPET, short for recycled polyethylene terephthalate, refers to any PET material that comes from a recycled source rather than the original, unprocessed petrochemical feedstock.

Originally, PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is a thermoplastic polymer that is lightweight, durable, transparent, safe, shatterproof, and highly recyclable. Its safety is primarily evident in terms of being eligible for food contact, resistant to microorganisms, biologically inert if ingested, corrosion-free, and resistant to shattering that may be particularly harmful.

It is commonly used as packaging material for foods and beverages – mostly found in transparent bottles. Yet, it has also found its way into the textile industry, usually referred to by its family name, polyester.

Post time: Aug-27-2021